(Source: HMRC) People whose income has been affected by Coronavirus and who want to access their Lifetime ISA funds early will no longer face an additional withdrawal charge, thanks to a temporary rule change. The Lifetime ISA (LISA) is intended to help younger people...
Update on CJRS and SEISS
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme The Chancellor has announced three changes to the job retention scheme: From 1 July 2020, the scheme will be made more flexible to enable employers to bring previously furloughed employees back part time and still receive a grant for...
Working From Home Tips
Extended lockdowns have resulted in Employers having to scramble to provide an on-line working environment for employees. Many companies may have never ventured down the Working from Home (WFH) route if the Covid-19 pandemic had not forced them to take action, for...
Saving For your Future
The 5 April 2023 will see the end of another tax year. While SAIL’s recommendations already put you in a good position, there are other savings tips you can utilise in your personal capacity to best plan for retirement and optimise your take home income. Know your...
Implementing Time and Attendance Systems Successfully
A large number of employers are unhappy with their time and attendance systems. When we look into their cases we see a few common themes: The hardware – the hardware for time & attendance is often the same. Biometric (fingerprint or facial recognition) Chinese...
South African Resident – Taxation of Foreign Employment Income – Individual’s Perspective
impacting South African individuals based outside of South Africa) Editor’s note: SAIL Business Solutions is able to assist both employers and individuals in managing this far-reaching change. Feel free to contact us. In March 2020 the South African amendment to the...
The Future of Work – “Social Enterprise”
Editor’s note: Industry 4.0 is coming. The purpose of our series is to get employers thinking about ways to use this new technology to improve their business; and for HR professionals to understand the impact this might have on the workforce and their own roles...
Taxation of Foreign Employment Income
(Impacting South African employers & South African individuals based outside of South Africa) Editor’s Note: SAIL Business Solutions is able to assist both employers and individuals in managing this far-reaching change. Feel free to contact us. In April 2020 the...
The Future of Work – Big Data, Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Editor’s note: Industry 4.0 is coming. The purpose of our series is to get employers thinking about ways to use this new technology to improve their business; and for HR professionals to understand the impact this might have on the workforce and their own roles...
The Future of Work
“The future of work is being shaped by two powerful forces: The growing adoption of artificial intelligence in the workplace, and the expansion of the workforce to include both on- and off-balance-sheet talent.” (source: Deloitte Insights) The Future of Work is a...
Business Intelligence Tools and HR
Modern technology offers businesses essential tools to better interrogate data to improve decision making. SAIL is working with a number of BI Tools to improve the quality of data available to CFOs and HRDs in the workplace. Consider these scenarios: You are sitting...
HMRC Reforms to Affect the Private Sector – April 2019
April 2017 saw a change in IR35 legislation with government targeting the public sector and placing the burden on public sector entities to manage IR35 – the result, almost all public sector entities disallowed the use of limited company contracting because the burden...
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