
Month: August 2020

VAT deferred payments period has ended!

In order to alleviate cashflow during the COVID19 pandemic, HMRC allowed for a deferral of VAT payments due within the period 20th March 2020 and 30th June 2020. Although returns were still required to be submitted, payments on these returns were only to become due by...

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Job Retention Bonus

Chancellor Rishi Sunak as part of his Plan for Jobs announced the Job Retention Bonus, an initiative designed to encourage employers to bring employees who had been furloughed under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) back to work. The...

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Financial Support when Paying for Childcare

Author: Gina Christodoulou You could save up to £2,000 a year per child by using the Government’s Tax Free Childcare scheme when paying for approved childcare. The scheme will see HMRC contribute £2.00 for every £8.00 of childcare paid for by a parent into the scheme...

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